Color & Style


Gives teens and tweens a basic understanding of how to take care of their skin, etc., at-home, on a regular basis, and thus, build self-esteem and self-confidence.

Also, assists teens and tweens in choosing cosmetic colors and intensity of color appropriate for their age group.

  • Build self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Teens can learn how to take care of their skin, learn how to keep products and tools sanitary to lessen the chances of contamination and spreading germs.
  • Discover best colors in makeup choices to enhance and not overpower over-all look.
  • Learn how to tastefully select. colors and much, much more.
  • A great teen birthday gift...Gift Certificates available.
  • Can be done for the birthday girl, herself, as a private consultation.
  • A teen birthday party can be custom planned to meet your budget.
  • Mini color palette for shopping and makeup selection is also an option.



  • Learn all you can to put your best foot forward on that all-important job interview.
  • Do you want to project the best image on your interview?
  • Do you know your best colors, your "must" accessories, your makeup, your handshake, your entrance and your exit?
  • Do you know how you should accessorize for your interview?
  • Learn it all!


Available via Skype or FaceTime.

If shopping is a chore, a Wardrobe & Style Consultation can help.  For both men and women.


  • Achieve success and save time and money, too.
  • Available for Men and Women.
  • Complete Image Confidence will be yours, giving you that "winning edge" both in your business and personal life.
  • Build and manage a wardrobe for business and casual needs with your own "personal shopper"..
  • For women... Discover best collars, lapels, necklines, sleeves, cuffs, pockets, skirts and dresses, slacks, lengths of garments, jackets, coats, accessories, shoes, hats, jewelry, etc.
  • For men... Discover best shirt and jersey collars, lapels, sleeves, shirt cuffs, pockets, suits, slacks, lengths of garments, jackets, coats, ties, accessories, shoes, hats, briefcase, shoes, etc.
  • Guidelines will simplify your life and make your wardrobe shopping easier.
  • Experience an increase in self-confidence.
  • Find self esteem dramatically improved.
  • Improve prospects for career advancement.
  • Enjoy new and exciting social interactions.
  • Questionnaire will be reviewed at first session.
  • Face shape determined.
  • Final consultation at second session.
  • Add a Deluxe Custom Color Palette (optional) to this wardrobe consultation and you have all you need to put yourself together and look your best. For more details, Contact us to discuss this service or ask questions.


  • It's not about beauty, age, size, wealth or even fashion.
  • It's about knowing and respecting yourself for who you are (with no strings attached).
  • It's having the confidence to discover and project your unique style in a consistent and confident manner.
  • It's increasing self-esteem and confidence.

When You Discover Your Style:

  • You will know you look great, and you will walk, talk and think differently.
  • Your improved appearance and renewed confidence will result in others seeing you in a positive new both your casual and business life.
  • You will attract new and exciting opportunities and relationships.
  • Your improved visual image will result in others seeing you as more professional, more capable and more able to be promoted if you are wishing to climb the corporate ladder.
  • Specialty garments such as bridal, evening wear, bathing suits, etc.
  • Designed for men and women from 16 to 80+.
  • Information will be customized for each client.
  • Save time and money when shopping.

The Proof Is In:

Yes, the proof is right there in your wardrobe... just look.
There they are... all those orphaned garments, hanging there limp, unworn and unloved... many still with their "guilty" tags reminding you of how much you paid for them and how they have not been worn at all... and many more with their "guilty" tags removed, reminding you of how little they have been worn. These are the clothes you put on every so often and gaze at disappointedly as you see your reflection in the mirror.
You ask yourself... "What on earth ever possessed me to buy that?", or "How on earth was I convinced that it looked good on me when told I looked fabulous in it?"

Men and women take The Blink Test now.



"your personal shopper for decorating..."

With our handy and concise decorating palette, you can even use our color system to decorate your home.

This is a custom program. 

See Decorating With Color.



All Skin Types, Makeup Perfection

If you've ever wished you could get "the look you like" each day in the comfort of your home with your own personal brushes and cosmetics, a Makeup Application Lesson is just what you need.

It will give you the confidence you are looking for.

  • to go through the steps of makeup application with ease.
  • Learn the placement of your makeup based on your face shape and facial features.
  • Discover the makeup colors that best suit your personal coloring.
  • Learn how to camouflage redness, brown spots, etc.
  • Get the look that makes you feel most comfortable or suits the occasion...whether natural, business professional or dramatic...for casual, business and special occasions.





Now is the time to get your closet under control and save time and money...

  • Are you wearing "only 20%" of those clothes that are hanging in your closet?
  • Are your clothes looking tired?
  • Well, now's the time for a "closet makeover".
  • Have a professional image consultant assist you in assessing how you can make a garment work or if it is best to be put in the "get-rid-of pile".
  • Make room for new ideas and a fresh prospective. 
  • Learn how to mix-n-match the items in your closet to create more looks---garments, shoes, scarves, jewelry, accessories.
  • Discover which pieces could be repaired to be updated.
  • Save time when putting yourself together each matter what the occasion.
  • Your closet will become unbelievably manageable and "picture perfect".



Makeup Perfection

Looking your BEST on your special day... imagine your wedding day PICTURE PERFECT. With special attention to exterior details.


  • You will discover how to look your very best on one of the most important days of your life.
  • You will discover how to look "picture perfect" on your special day.
  • You will discover how your wedding photographs will be enhanced with "your best colors" and "your best styles"
  • You will discover your best white...for the bride's gown...for the groom's shirt...pure white, off-white, ivory, cream, etc.
  • You will discover what color would be best for the wedding party to coordinate well with the bride and groom... the flower arrangement style, size and color, too.




For Men, Women, Teens, Tweens

Great for all age groups!

Includes Two Sessions (see below)

Do you know which group of colors are best for you (see below)... cool, neutral, warm... those that enhance your personal coloring... your skin, your hair and your eyes?


  • In-depth Color Analysis.
  • Color-By-Color matching.
  • Draping at first session includes over 200 drapes so you can see what your best colors do for you and why you won't want to wear the colors that do not enhance your personal coloring.
  • Receive Deluxe Custom Color Palette --- 50 or more custom colors in perfect harmony for YOU... only those colors best suited to your personal coloring based on your skin, hair and eye tones.
  • Includes your best metallic tones... jewelry tones, buckles, buttons, metallic fabrics, etc.
  • Goes beyond the 'generic' four-season concept... totally custom.
  • Will also help in determining the best color for your hair should you choose to or have the need to color your hair.
  • Learn "how to use your color palette to your best advantage" at the second session and receive "Makeup Application Guide" to assist you in applying the best cosmetic colors based on your color analysis and color palette.
  • Simplifies wardrobe shopping for men and women... no more costly mistakes... save time and money.
  • Have an organized closet with clothing that enhances your personal coloring.
  • Simplifies cosmetic shopping.
  • Includes two sessions.

Who Can Benefit:

  • Great for the bride-to-be... to purchase the best "white" for her gown/dress and discover the best cosmetic colors to enhance her bridal photos.
  • Great for the new graduate who needs to establish a wardrobe for his/her new career to reflect his/her new look.
  • Great for those who are job-hunting... to project their "best first impression".
  • Great for those who just want to enhance their personal look...want to feel good about themselves.
  • Age is no barrier.

If time or distance is a problem, have your colors done virtually online. Contact us for information.



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