For Men, Women, Teens, Tweens
Great for all age groups!
Includes Two Sessions (see below)
Do you know which group of colors are best for you (see below)... cool, neutral, warm... those that enhance your personal coloring... your skin, your hair and your eyes?
Click here to read more about color analysis and Click here to take The Blink Test.
- In-depth Color Analysis... goes beyond generic color palettes.
- Color-By-Color matching.
- Deluxe "fabric" palette.
- Draping at first session includes over 200 drapes so you can see what your best colors do for you and why you won't want to wear the colors that do not enhance your personal coloring.
- Includes your best metallic tones... jewelry tones, buckles, buttons, zippers, metallic fabrics, etc.
- Goes beyond the generic four-season concept... totally custom.
- Helps in determining the best color for your hair should you choose to or have the need to color your hair.
- At second session, learn "how to use your color palette to your best advantage" and receive "Makeup Application Guide" to assist you in applying the best cosmetic colors based on your custom color analysis and custom color palette.
- Receive your Deluxe Custom Color Palette --- 50 or more "custom" colors in perfect harmony for YOU... only those colors best suited to your personal coloring based on your skin, hair and eye colors.
- Simplifies wardrobe shopping for men and women... no more costly mistakes... save time and money.
- Helps organize clothing closet with clothing and accessories that enhance your personal coloring.
- Simplifies choosing cosmetic colors.
- Includes two sessions.
Who Can Benefit:
- Great for the bride-to-be... to purchase the best "white" for her gown / dress and discover the best cosmetic colors to enhance her bridal photos.
- Great for the new graduate who needs to establish a wardrobe for his / her new career to reflect his / her new look.
- Great for those who are job-hunting... to project their "best first impression".
- Great for those who just want to enhance their personal look...want to feel good about themselves.
- Age is no barrier.

If time or distance is a problem, have your colors done virtually online. Contact us for more information.